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Welcome! My name is Isabelle Wolf and I look forward to sharing my socio-ecological research with you.
My main interest as an Ecologist lies in conducting socio-ecological research and investigating the human dimensions of ecosystems. I am intrigued by the power of using Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS mapping; GPS tracking) as a tool for stakeholder engagement.
I am greatly interested in the health and well-being that we all experience in natural environments, and communicating the benefits of visiting and conserving public green spaces. More broadly, my research has focussed on the transformative potential of park visitor experiences.
In 2019, I have accepted the exciting position of Senior Research Fellow (academic level C) for the University of Wollongong (UOW). I will undertake my fellowship in the UOW's Australian Centre for Culture, Environment, Society and Space (ACCESS). In this position I will conduct a multi-year participatory geospatial study of ethnically diverse use of public green spaces with Senior Professors Gordon Waitt and Pauline McGuirk.
I am a Visiting Academic (Level C) at the Centre of Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales (UNSW), led by Prof Richard Kingsford.
Since 2010, I have been undertaing cutting-edge tourism/recreation research and saw it applied to make a real difference 'in the field' as the NSW National Parks Visitor Research and Analysis Officer of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH). My particular interest was in research with state-wide implications for more than 850 parks such as the NSW park visitation telephone survey. Several of my other OEH research projects can be accessed from the OEH social research website and a more complete overview of my research is available from this website.
I have completed my PhD entitled "Towards sustainable tourism in Outback Australia: The behaviour and impact of nature-based tourists on vegetation and selected wildlife species." at the University of New South Wales.
I have been passionate about tourism and travelling for 20 years and have explored more than 30 countries on five continents, enjoying the stimulating research climate in my Australian residence.
Recent Publications - (all publications and working papers)
Wolf, I.D., & Waitt, G. (2023). Towards liveable cities: A review of ethnicity, public urban nature space and wellbeing. Ambio 1-14 (IF: 6.9). abstract.
Nasab, S.E., Wolf, I.D., Kambouzia, J., Aghamir, S.F., Sargazi, H., Nazari, M.R., Esmaeilzadeh H. & Sadeghi, M. (2024). Waterless wetlands as a new source of wind erosion: developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran. Ecological Informatics, 102368 (IF: 5.1). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Wolf, I.D. , Deljouei, A. & Sadeghi, SMM, (2023). Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model. Ecological Indicators, 155, 110957 (IF: 6.3). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Wolf, I.D., Marcu, MV, Lück, M. & Sadeghi, SMM Sadeghi (2023). Strategies to Manage Ecotourism Sustainably: Insights from a SWOT-ANP Analysis and IUCN Guidelines. Sustainability, 15(14), 11013 (IF: 3.5). abstract.
Shahabi, H., Ahmadi, R, Alizadeh, M., Hashim, M., Al-Ansari, N., Shirzadi, A., Wolf, I.D. & Ariffin, E.H. (2023) Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Mountainous Area Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Remote Sensing, 15(12), 3112 (IF: 5.4). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Deljouei, A., Wolf, I.D., Marcu, M.V., & Sadeghi, S.M.M. (2023). Assessing water security and footprint in hypersaline Lake Urmia. Ecological Indicators, 155, 110955 (IF: 6.3). abstract.
Sumanapala, D. & Wolf, I.D., Weiler, B. (2023). Enhancing Tour Guide Training for Delivering Nature-Based Tourism Experiences in a Developing Country. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-25. (IF: 0.6). abstract.
Sumanapala, D. & Wolf, I.D. (2023). A wellbeing perspective of Indigenous tourism in Sri Lanka. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 4(2), 100099. (New Open Access Companion Journal to Annals of Tourism Research; IF: 4.2). abstract.
Tavakolifar, R., Shahabi, H., Ahmadi, R, Alizadeh, M., Hashim, M., Shirzadi, A., Helmy Ariffin, E., Wolf, I.D. & Shojae Chaeikar, S. (2023) Spatial Prediction of Landslides Using Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case Study of the Saqqez-Marivan Mountain Road in Iran. Land, 12(6) (IF: 3.9). Selected for the "2023 Most Popular Preprints Award".abstract.
Sobhani, P., Veisi H., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Sadeghi, SMM, & Wolf, I.D. (2023). Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-35 (IF: 4.1). abstract.
Sumanapala, D., & Wolf, I. D. (2022). Introducing geotourism to diversify the visitor experience in Protected Areas and reduce impacts on overused attractions. Land, 11(12), 2118 (IF: 3.9). abstract.
Bagheri, M., Ibrahim, Z.Z., Mansor, S., Manaf, L.A., Akhir M.F., Talaat, W.I.A.W. and Wolf, I.D. , (2023). Hazard assessment and modeling of erosion and sea level rise under global climate change conditions for coastal city management. Natural Hazards Review 24(1) (IF: 3.2). abstract.
Zabihi, H.H.K., Alizadeh, M, Wolf, I.D. , Kibet Langat P., Beiranvand Pour, A. & Ahmad, A. (2022). Remote sensing and ICONA based-GIS mapping for assessing the risk of soil erosion: a case study of the Rudbar Basin, Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences 81(21), 1-18 (IF: 3.2). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Sadeghi, SMM, Wolf, I.D. & Deljouei, A. (2022). Relationship analysis of local community participation in sustainable ecotourism development in Protected Areas of Iran. Land, 11, 1871 (IF: 3.9). abstract.
Bagheri, M., Ibrahim, Z.Z., Manaf, L.A., Akhir, M.F., Talaat, W.I.A.W. , Oryani, B., Wolf, I.D. (2022). Using a Hybrid Delphi hierarchical process, the development of a holistic index to measure city competitiveness in Malaysia: a case study from Penang Island. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-29 (IF: 3.9). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Sadeghi, SMM, Wolf, I.D., Esmaeilzadeh, Y. & Marcu, MV (2022). Assessing spatial and temporal changes of natural capital in a typical semi-arid protected area based on an ecological footprint model. Sustainability, 14, 10956 (IF: 3.5). abstract.
Smart, J., Wolf, I.D., & Scherrer, P. (2022). Loo with a view: Managing snow-based backcountry visitors' remote toileting experiences. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 1-18 (IF: 1.8; ABDC: A). abstract.
Bagheri, M., Ibrahim, Z.Z., Manaf, L.A., Akhir, M.F., Talaat, W.I.A.W., Oryani, B., Wolf, I.D. and Beiranvand Pour A. (2022). Sea-level projections using a NARX-NN model of tide gauge data for the coastal city of Kuala Terengganu in Malaysia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-19 (IF: 4.3). article, abstract.
Sumanapala, D. Dimmock, K. & Wolf, I.D. (2022). A review of ecological impacts from recreational SCUBA diving: current evidence and future practice. Tourism and Hospitality Research July 2022 (IF: 3.0; ABDC: B). article, abstract.
Conference Paper: Smart, J., Gill, N., Miller, L., Graham, S., Wolf, I.D. & Cherry, H. (2022) Outdoor recreation and plant biosecurity in the Snowy Mountains region of NSW Australia. Australasian Weeds Conference.
Sobhani, P., Veisi H., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Sadeghi, SMM, & Wolf, I.D. (2022). Evaluating ecotourism sustainability indicators for Protected Areas in Tehran, Iran. Forests, 13(5), 740. (IF: 2.6). abstract.
Sobhani, P., Veisi H., Esmaeilzadeh, H., Sadeghi, SMM, & Wolf, I.D. (2022). Tracing the impact pathways of Covid-19 on tourism and developing strategies for resilience and adaptation in Iran. Sustainability, 14(9), 5508 (IF: 3.9). article, abstract.
Bagheri, M. Ibrahim, Z.Z., Manaf, L.A., Mohd Fadzil Akhir, M.F., Talaat, W.I.A.W. , Beiranvand Pour A. and Wolf, I.D. (2021). Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Coastal City Sustainability, Mitigation, and Adaptation: A Case Study of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Land accepted (IF: 3.4) article, abstract.
Alizadeh, M., Zabihi, H.H.K., Rezaie, F., Asadzadeh A., Wolf, I.D., Langat, P.K., Khosravi, I., Beiranvand Pour A., Nataj, M.M, & Pradhan, B. (2021). Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment for Urban Areas using an ANN and Hybrid SWOT-QSPM Model. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 4519 (IF: 5.3) article, abstract.
Bagheri, M. Ibrahim, Z.Z., Manaf, L.A., Mohd Fadzil Akhir, M.F., Talaat, W.I.A.W. , Beiranvand Pour A. and Wolf, I.D. (2021). Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Coastal City Sustainability, Mitigation, and Adaptation: A Case Study of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Land accepted. article, abstract.
Alizadeh, M., Zabihi, H.H.K., Rezaie, F., Asadzadeh A., Wolf, I.D., Langat, P.K., Khosravi, I., Beiranvand Pour A., Nataj, M.M, & Pradhan, B. (2021). Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment for Urban Areas using an ANN and Hybrid SWOT-QSPM Model. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 4519. article, abstract.
Smart, J., Scherrer, P. & Wolf, I.D., (2021). Risk perception and preparedness of backcountry visitors in Australia’s Snowy Mountains. Tourism Recreation Research 1-20. article, abstract.
Ngassam Mbianya, G., Ngnotue, T., Didero Takodjou Wambo, J., Ganno, S., Beiranvand Pour, A., Ayonta Kenne, P., Hermann Fossi, D., Wolf, I.D., (2021). Remote sensing satellite-based structural/alteration mapping for gold exploration in the Ketté goldfield, Eastern Cameroon. Journal of African Earth Sciences 184. article, abstract.
Sumanapala, D., Kubalikova L. & Wolf, I.D. (2021). Assessing Geosites for Geotourism Development: Case Studies from the Southern Part of Sri Lanka. Geoheritage, 13(4), 85 (IF: 3). full article, abstract
Sumanapala, D., & Wolf, I. D. (2021). The changing face of wildlife tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity to strive towards sustainability? Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6. full article, abstract
Sumanapala, D. & Wolf, I.D. (2021). Rainforest tourism: a systematic review of established knowledge and gaps in research. Tourism Recreation Research 1-16. full article, abstract
Moreton, S., Brennan, M., Nicholls V.I., Wolf, I.D., & Muir, D. (2021). A review of potential mechanisms underpinning the therapeutic effects of surfing. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning 1-18. full article, abstract
Sumanapala, D., Manuka X. & Wolf, I.D. (2021). An importance-performance analysis of elephant conservation-based tourism in Sri Lanka. In Laws, E., Scott, E., Font, X. and Koldowski, J. (Eds.) The Elephant Tourism Business: International Problems and Progress, CABI Publishing.
Sumanapala, D. & Wolf, I.D. (2020). Think globally, act locally: Current understanding and future directions for nature-based tourism research in Sri Lanka. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, 295-308. full article, abstract
Zabihi, H.H.K., Alizadeh, M., Wolf, I.D., Karami, M., Ahmad, A., Salamian, H. (2020). A GIS-based Fuzzy-Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) for Ecotourism Suitability Decision Making: A case study of Babol in Iran. Tourism Management Perspectives 36, 1-17. full article, abstract
Sumanapala, D., & Wolf, I. D. (2020). Man-Made Impacts on Emerging Geoparks in the Asian Region. Geoheritage, 12(3), 1-9. full article, abstract
Yarian, P., Zabihi, H.H.K., Wolf, I.D., Karami, M., & Amiriyan, S. (2020). Earthquake risk assessment using an integrated Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with Artificial Neural Networks based on GIS: A case study of Sanandaj in Iran. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101705. full article, abstract
Special Issue in Environments 2019 on Nature-based tourism Croft, D.B., Wolf, I.D., & Green R.J. (Eds.). (2019). Environmental Impact of Nature-Based Tourism. Environments 6, Basel, Switzerland.
Green R.J., Croft, D.B. & Wolf, I.D. (2019). Editorial for the Special Issue on Environmental Impact of Nature-based Tourism. Environments 6, 112. full article, abstract
Wolf, I.D., Croft, D.B. & Green R.J. (2019). Nature conservation and tourism: a paradox? Environments 6(9), 104. full article, abstract
Sumanapala, D. & Wolf, I.D. (2019). Recreational ecology: A review of research and gap analysis. Environments 6(7), 81. full article, abstract
Wolf, I.D., Brown, G. & Wohlfart, T. (2018). Applying Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) to inform and manage visitor conflict along multi-use trails. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(3), 470-495. full pre-print text, abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D., Ainsworth, G., & Crowley J. (2017). Transformative travel as a sustainable market niche for protected areas: a new development, marketing and conservation model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(11), 1650–1673. full pre-print text, abstract, key findings
Weiler, B., Moyle, B.D., Wolf, I.D., De Bie, K. & Torland M. (2017). Assessing the efficacy of communication interventions for shifting public perceptions of park benefits. Journal of Travel Research, 56(4), 468-481. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D., Wohlfart, T., Brown, G., & Bartolomé Lasa, A. (2015). The use of public participation GIS (PPGIS) for park visitor management: a case study of mountain biking. Tourism Management, 51, 112–130. full pre-print text, abstract, key findings
Torland M., Weiler, B., Moyle, B.D., & Wolf, I.D. (2015). Are your ducks in a row? Staff perceptions of the benefits of parks in New South Wales, Australia. Managing Sport and Leisure, 20, 211-237. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D. & Stricker, H.K. & Hagenloh, G. (2014). Outcome-focussed national park experience management: transforming participants, promoting social well-being, and fostering place attachment. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23, 358-381. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D. & Wohlfart, T. (2014). Walking, hiking and running in parks: a multidisciplinary assessment of health and well-being benefits. Landscape and Urban Planning, 130, 89–103. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D. & Croft, D.B. (2014). Impacts of tourism hotspots on vegetation communities show a higher potential for self-propagation along roads than hiking trails. Journal of Environmental Management 143, 173-185. abstract
Weiler, B., Moyle, B.D., Torland M., Wolf, I.D. & Witsel M. (2014). Lessons learned from pilot testing an experimental communication intervention: generation Y and park benefits. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education 17th Conference (CAUTHE). key findings
Wolf, I.D., Hagenloh G. & Croft, D.B. (2013). Vegetation moderates impacts of tourism usage on bird communities along roads and hiking trails. Journal of Environmental Management 129, 224-234. abstract
Wolf, I.D., Stricker, H.K. & Hagenloh, G. (2013). Interpretive media that attract park visitors and enhance their experiences: a comparison of traditional and digital tools using GPS tracking and GIS technology. Tourism Management Perspectives 7, 59–72. abstract, key findings
Steckenreuter, A. & Wolf, I.D. (2013) How to use persuasive communication to encourage visitors to pay park user fees. Tourism Management 37, 58–70. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D. & Croft, D.B. (2012) Observation techniques that minimize impacts on wildlife and maximize visitor satisfaction in night-time tours. Tourism Management Perspectives 4, 164–175. abstract, key findings
Wolf, I.D., Hagenloh G. & Croft, D.B. (2012). Visitor monitoring along roads and hiking trails: How to determine usage levels in tourist sites. Tourism Management 33, 16–28. abstract
Wolf, I.D. & Croft, D.B. (2010) Minimizing disturbance to wildlife by tourists approaching on foot or in a car: A study of kangaroos in the Australian rangelands. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 126, 75–84. abstract
Other News
(15) Wolf, I.D. & Waitt, G. (2021). Dismantling borders of engagement with wellbeing places for nature in the city: a geo-spatial analysis in Sydney, Australia. Annual International Conference – Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IGB), Online Conference, August 31st–September 3rd.
(14) Wolf, I.D. & Waitt, G. (2021). Mapping wellbeing and constraints to wellbeing in urban places for nature. 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV), Online Conference, August 16–19.
(13) Wolf, I.D. & Waitt, G. (2021). A geo-spatial analysis of places for nature, wellbeing havens, and urban recreation in Sydney, Australia. Annual International Conference – International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), Online Conference, June 20–24.
(12) Wolf, I.D., & Mendes, R.M.N. (2018). A special double session was delivered on "New methods for monitoring and management of visitors in recreational and protected areas: lessons learned, benefits and concerns." International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV), Bordeaux, France, August 28–31.
(11) Wolf, I.D. (2017). Applications of GIS in park visitor monitoring. 2nd World Congress on GIS and Remote Sensing, Philadelphia, USA, September 04–05.
(10) Wolf, I.D. & Babich K. (2016). Participatory spatial planning in park visitor management. Planning and Environment Cluster Spatial Directions 2016, Sydney, Australia, November 16.
(9) I was invited to present a keynote speech at the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014: Wolf, I.D., Wohlfart, T., Stricker, H. & Hagenloh G. (2014). The transformative power of park visitor experiences: concepts and market opportunities for protected areas. World Parks Congress 2014, Sydney, Australia, November 12–19.
View some of the findings here.
(8) We have hosted a World Parks Congress Parallel Event
Wildlife tourism and conservation of biodiversity in parks (event details)
This workshop was a parallel event of the World Parks Congress, and was held the day before the Congress, organised jointly by Wildlife Tourism Australia Inc. and the Office of Environment and Heritage, New South Wales.
Outcomes of the workshop are presented here.
We were successful with two further submissions that will be presented at the Health and Well-being stream of the World Parks Congress 2014:
(7) Weiler, B., Moyle, B.D., Zanon, D., Smith, A. & Wolf, I.D. (2014). Building support and maintaining relevance: Influencing perceptions of the benefits of parks using experimental communication interventions. World Parks Congress 2014, Sydney, Australia, November 12–19.
(6) Croft, D. B., Wolf, I.D., (2013). Who’s watching whom? Research on minimising disturbance by the wildlife tourist in animal encounters. Wildlife Tourism Australia Workshop, Darwin, October 2-4.
(5) Moyle, B. D. Weiler, B., Zanon, D., Smith, A., Wolf, I.D. & McLennan, C. (2013). Public Perceptions of the Benefits Parks Provide for Visitors and to Society, 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Colorado, USA, June 4-8.
(4) In August 2012, I have chaired a session entitled "Recent Advances in Visitor Monitoring: GPS tracking and GIS technology". at the 6th Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas in Stockholm. I also presented on my recent visitor monitoring work for the OEH.
(4) At the ESA conference 2011 in Tasmania, I presented at the Recreation Ecology Symposium about my visitor monitoring research based on my findings from the above-mentioned paper in Tourism Management and extension of this research into my current work for the Office of Environment and Heritage.
(3) Conferences that I presented at in 2010 to address burning issues in the field of sustainable tourism such as multi-stakeholder engagement and the reconciliation of human needs with wildlife needs in the planning of sustainable wildlife tourism experiences:
At the AWMS conference 2010 in Torquay, 1-3 Dec: A Call for Tourism Studies: Wildlife Experiences that Maximize Visitor Satisfaction and Minimize Impact on Wildlife.
At the ESA conference 2010 in Canberra, 6-10 Dec: Sustaining vegetation and bird communities along roads and hiking trails in semi-arid gorges.
(2) I was awarded a 'Highly Commended' certificate for excellence in a PhD thesis by the Sustainable Tourism CRC which was presented to me at the STCRC Farewell and Future Forum at the Novotel Rockford in Sydney. This was a fantatistic opportunity to meet up once again with inspiring colleagues with whom I look forward to cooperating in the future.
(1) Fowlers Gap: here I conducted some of my PhD fieldwork in the Australian Outback
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· Future Research Plans
· The Latest Research on Visitor Monitoring
· The Latest Research on Sustainable Nature-based Tourism
· The Ecology of the Australian Outback
· Explorations of Five Continents